Santa Muerte Death Magick: Prayers and Rituals From Where Life Meets Death
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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9-Day Novena Prayer for the Day of the Dead
Primary Use
A simple 9-day novena prayer ritual to celebrate the days leading up to “Dia De Los Muertos," or the Day of the Dead, the time of year when many people believe the dead are allowed to return back to the Land of the Living.
You Will Need
A novena is generally considered to be a set of nine prayers, usually recited over nine days. Normally, the first prayer is recited on day one, the second prayer on day two, and so on, until the ninth prayer is recited on day nine. This novena prayer ritual is intended to be recited in the nine days leading up to Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in Mexico on November 2nd. That day, November 2nd, is recognized as the day when the spirits of the dead are allowed to cross back into the Land of the Living, and therefore, the day when the veil between the living and the dead is at its most thin.
This means, if you are following the modern Gregorian calendar, then the first prayer would be recited on October 25th, and the ninth prayer would be recited on November 2nd.
You can recite these prayers wherever and however you find most appropriate, but most Santa Muerte devotees would probably recite these prayers at a Santa Muerte altar, or perhaps at an altar dedicated to the dearly departed.
Depending on your circumstances, you may decide to perform this 9 Day Novena Prayer in addition to, or in place of, the Day of the Dead Celebration ritual shared in the previous chapter. This 9 Day Novena Prayer is more intended as a general celebration of the season, while the Day of the Dead Celebration ritual is intended to honor spirits of specific people you knew or admired, and to ask Santa Muerte to bless, and continue blessing, you and your loved ones.
Novena Prayer #1
Santa Muerte, Saint in Black,
By your grace the dead come back.
When the veil is made most thin,
Peel it back, and let them in.
World of life and world of death,
All around, the dead do rest.
Rest good now the time is near,
Soon you will return to here.
When your day to cross arrives,
May you feel again alive.
Feel so free to rise and roam,
In the world that was your home.
Novena Prayer #2
Santa Muerte, with your scythe,
She who brings an end to life,
Time is nothing in your hand,
Date of death you do command.
When that date of death does come,
When to death we all succumb,
Need we not for dread or fear,
For we know that once a year,
Once a year the dead come back,
Free to laugh and sing and dance.
Soon they will appear again,
Once the veil is at most thin.
Novena Prayer #3
Blessed those who've come and gone,
Blessed all who live beyond.
Hear this prayer, which is now prayed,
May it serve to light your way.
Light your way as you prepare,
For that time once every year,
Time when Holy Death allows,
You to move freely about,
Free about the land of life,
Like you did before you died.
Here it comes, that time again,
Rejoice well, all ghostly friends.
Novena Prayer #4
In this world, we are but guests,
All our days, granted by Death.
She who holds the sands of time,
She who cuts the silver line.
Though there is no stopping her,
Once a year the dead return,
Free to cross the bridge and back,
By the grace of Death in Black.
Spirits now who sit and wait,
For the chance to breach the gate,
Paint a smile on your skull,
Soon your name, it shall be called.
Novena Prayer #5
Equal under Death we are,
No matter how bright our star.
In the end we all meet Death,
When it is our turn to rest.
By your hand, Holy Death Saint,
All the living, end the same.
Treated fair are the dead, too,
Once a year, they're let back through.
Back through to this Land of Life,
To visit the left behind.
Holy Death who holds the key,
Bless the dead, and set them free.
Novena Prayer #6
The line is long, at Death's gate,
Spirits now patiently wait.
The night is close, the time is near,
When the dead will join us here.
Those who live, be blessed and calm,
Nothing is to fear at all.
With this prayer, Death keeps us safe,
So here no mischief be played.
Santa Muerte hear this prayer,
Keep us safe from tricks and scares.
May only the kindest dead,
Dance with us, and share our bread.
Novena Prayer #7
The veil is now at its most thin,
And the dead can now march in.
First the children lost so young,
Cross now back, and have some fun.
Candies, costumes, just for you,
Sing and laugh, the whole night through.
Chase and play through fields of graves,
Indulge in the sweets you crave.
Visit loved ones, who you know,
Those who cried when you did go.
Though from life you did depart,
Know you are still in their hearts.
Novena Prayer #8
Honor for all those who've died,
Those who served us all in life,
Those who lived for others first,
Those for who this world now thirsts.
Welcome back, and welcome home,
Feel now free on Earth to roam.
Take this time of yours to rest,
Or go to, make others blessed.
Please accept our gifts and prayers,
May you know how much we care.
Though we can't know all your names,
Know you are revered as saints.
Novena Prayer #9
Santa Muerte, Patron Saint,
Standing at the threshold gate.
With your power, turn the key,
Send my loved ones home to me.
All the ones I love that died,
Set them free, this holy night.
Free to join me over here,
Free to feast, and share good cheer.
Until light of new dawn breaks,
Dead and living, merry make.
When the night comes to an end,
May we all depart as friends.
A simple 9-day novena prayer ritual to celebrate the days leading up to “Dia De Los Muertos," or the Day of the Dead, the time of year when many people believe the dead are allowed to return back to the Land of the Living.
You Will Need
- No special tools are required to perform a novena prayer ritual. You may, however, light a candle on your Santa Muerte altar for each of the nine prayers that comprise the novena.
A novena is generally considered to be a set of nine prayers, usually recited over nine days. Normally, the first prayer is recited on day one, the second prayer on day two, and so on, until the ninth prayer is recited on day nine. This novena prayer ritual is intended to be recited in the nine days leading up to Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in Mexico on November 2nd. That day, November 2nd, is recognized as the day when the spirits of the dead are allowed to cross back into the Land of the Living, and therefore, the day when the veil between the living and the dead is at its most thin.
This means, if you are following the modern Gregorian calendar, then the first prayer would be recited on October 25th, and the ninth prayer would be recited on November 2nd.
You can recite these prayers wherever and however you find most appropriate, but most Santa Muerte devotees would probably recite these prayers at a Santa Muerte altar, or perhaps at an altar dedicated to the dearly departed.
Depending on your circumstances, you may decide to perform this 9 Day Novena Prayer in addition to, or in place of, the Day of the Dead Celebration ritual shared in the previous chapter. This 9 Day Novena Prayer is more intended as a general celebration of the season, while the Day of the Dead Celebration ritual is intended to honor spirits of specific people you knew or admired, and to ask Santa Muerte to bless, and continue blessing, you and your loved ones.
Novena Prayer #1
Santa Muerte, Saint in Black,
By your grace the dead come back.
When the veil is made most thin,
Peel it back, and let them in.
World of life and world of death,
All around, the dead do rest.
Rest good now the time is near,
Soon you will return to here.
When your day to cross arrives,
May you feel again alive.
Feel so free to rise and roam,
In the world that was your home.
Novena Prayer #2
Santa Muerte, with your scythe,
She who brings an end to life,
Time is nothing in your hand,
Date of death you do command.
When that date of death does come,
When to death we all succumb,
Need we not for dread or fear,
For we know that once a year,
Once a year the dead come back,
Free to laugh and sing and dance.
Soon they will appear again,
Once the veil is at most thin.
Novena Prayer #3
Blessed those who've come and gone,
Blessed all who live beyond.
Hear this prayer, which is now prayed,
May it serve to light your way.
Light your way as you prepare,
For that time once every year,
Time when Holy Death allows,
You to move freely about,
Free about the land of life,
Like you did before you died.
Here it comes, that time again,
Rejoice well, all ghostly friends.
Novena Prayer #4
In this world, we are but guests,
All our days, granted by Death.
She who holds the sands of time,
She who cuts the silver line.
Though there is no stopping her,
Once a year the dead return,
Free to cross the bridge and back,
By the grace of Death in Black.
Spirits now who sit and wait,
For the chance to breach the gate,
Paint a smile on your skull,
Soon your name, it shall be called.
Novena Prayer #5
Equal under Death we are,
No matter how bright our star.
In the end we all meet Death,
When it is our turn to rest.
By your hand, Holy Death Saint,
All the living, end the same.
Treated fair are the dead, too,
Once a year, they're let back through.
Back through to this Land of Life,
To visit the left behind.
Holy Death who holds the key,
Bless the dead, and set them free.
Novena Prayer #6
The line is long, at Death's gate,
Spirits now patiently wait.
The night is close, the time is near,
When the dead will join us here.
Those who live, be blessed and calm,
Nothing is to fear at all.
With this prayer, Death keeps us safe,
So here no mischief be played.
Santa Muerte hear this prayer,
Keep us safe from tricks and scares.
May only the kindest dead,
Dance with us, and share our bread.
Novena Prayer #7
The veil is now at its most thin,
And the dead can now march in.
First the children lost so young,
Cross now back, and have some fun.
Candies, costumes, just for you,
Sing and laugh, the whole night through.
Chase and play through fields of graves,
Indulge in the sweets you crave.
Visit loved ones, who you know,
Those who cried when you did go.
Though from life you did depart,
Know you are still in their hearts.
Novena Prayer #8
Honor for all those who've died,
Those who served us all in life,
Those who lived for others first,
Those for who this world now thirsts.
Welcome back, and welcome home,
Feel now free on Earth to roam.
Take this time of yours to rest,
Or go to, make others blessed.
Please accept our gifts and prayers,
May you know how much we care.
Though we can't know all your names,
Know you are revered as saints.
Novena Prayer #9
Santa Muerte, Patron Saint,
Standing at the threshold gate.
With your power, turn the key,
Send my loved ones home to me.
All the ones I love that died,
Set them free, this holy night.
Free to join me over here,
Free to feast, and share good cheer.
Until light of new dawn breaks,
Dead and living, merry make.
When the night comes to an end,
May we all depart as friends.