Santa Muerte Curses and Hexes
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Business Burn Down Curse Petition
Primary Use
To bring an end to a target’s business.
You Will Need
At your Santa Muerte altar, light your black candle, so that you may work in its light. Using the flame from the burning black candle, light the business' marketing material on fire, then let the material burn in the cauldron or burn pot. As the material burns, recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer, which is found below, as you focus on the target business closing its doors.
Crafting the Curse
Sprinkle the ashes from the burned marketing material into the empty jar, then position the jar so that it may rest in the light of the burning black candle. Recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer, found below, three times over the jar. Leave the jar in the light of the black offering candle for about 30 minutes. This will help solidify the connection between the ashes in the jar and the business you want to target, and will further show your intent of wanting the negativity from this curse to shine on the business you have chosen.
At the end of about 30 minutes, sprinkle enough cayenne pepper into the jar to completely cover the ashes, to further represent covering the business in a burning fire. As you sprinkle the cayenne, again recite the magick prayer.
Next, sprinkle in your negativity activators - remember that less is more, and you only need a few pinches or drops of each negativity activator in order to make this curse effective. While you add each negativity activator into the jar, literally raining down negative energy over the ashes that represent the target business, again recite the below magick prayer as you visualize the failure of your target business. See the owner of the business struggling to pay bills, liquidating property in desperation, and ultimately shutting down the business for good.
When all ingredients are in the jar, leave the jar in the light of the black candle's flame. Again recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer three times over the jar, then let the black candle burn all the way to completion. When it has burned completely, the working is complete, and the curse has been sent.
Business Burn Down Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Patron Saint,
burn this business which I hate.
Burn it down to ashes fast,
grant this curse which I now cast.
To bring an end to a target’s business.
You Will Need
- Cayenne Pepper - to represent the heat and burning pain of a raging fire.
- Negativity Activators - two or three things associated with negativity or known for being yucky, like cigarette butts, broken glass, piss, rusty nails, graveyard dirt, etc. These amplify the negative aspects of all other ingredients and help further pile on the negative energy which you hope to send to the target business. When you add these negativity activators to your magick, it's the spiritual equivalent of flicking cigarette butts in the face of the business owner, or peeing on the business property - it's a sign of great disrespect to ensure there is no misunderstanding about the intent you're putting into the magickal work. LESS IS MORE, just a few drops or pinches will do.
- A Copy of the Business' Marketing Material - such as a flyer, business card, a picture of the business' logo, or a copy of an ad placed by the business online, to represent the target business that you want to curse. If none of these are available, then you can write the name and contact information for the business on a piece of paper.
- Cauldron or Burn Pot - to hold the marketing material as it burns, which represents the symbolic burning down of the business.
- Empty Jar - this will hold the dry herb, negativity activators, and ashes.
- 1 Black Candle - to appeal to the energy of the Black Cloaked Santa Muerte of curses, hexes, and black magick.
At your Santa Muerte altar, light your black candle, so that you may work in its light. Using the flame from the burning black candle, light the business' marketing material on fire, then let the material burn in the cauldron or burn pot. As the material burns, recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer, which is found below, as you focus on the target business closing its doors.
Crafting the Curse
Sprinkle the ashes from the burned marketing material into the empty jar, then position the jar so that it may rest in the light of the burning black candle. Recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer, found below, three times over the jar. Leave the jar in the light of the black offering candle for about 30 minutes. This will help solidify the connection between the ashes in the jar and the business you want to target, and will further show your intent of wanting the negativity from this curse to shine on the business you have chosen.
At the end of about 30 minutes, sprinkle enough cayenne pepper into the jar to completely cover the ashes, to further represent covering the business in a burning fire. As you sprinkle the cayenne, again recite the magick prayer.
Next, sprinkle in your negativity activators - remember that less is more, and you only need a few pinches or drops of each negativity activator in order to make this curse effective. While you add each negativity activator into the jar, literally raining down negative energy over the ashes that represent the target business, again recite the below magick prayer as you visualize the failure of your target business. See the owner of the business struggling to pay bills, liquidating property in desperation, and ultimately shutting down the business for good.
When all ingredients are in the jar, leave the jar in the light of the black candle's flame. Again recite the Business Burn Down Curse magick prayer three times over the jar, then let the black candle burn all the way to completion. When it has burned completely, the working is complete, and the curse has been sent.
Business Burn Down Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Patron Saint,
burn this business which I hate.
Burn it down to ashes fast,
grant this curse which I now cast.