Santa Muerte Curses and Hexes
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Gluttony Curse Petition
Primary Use
To sabotage the fitness goals of an enemy. To encourage poor eating habits and unwanted weight gain.
You Will Need
Bake Your Cake
Prepare your cake batter according to your recipe.
As you prepare your cake batter, recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer, which is found below, and focus on your intent of sabotaging your target's fitness goals and causing your target to experience unwanted weight gain.
Next, pour approximately half of your prepared cake batter into your greased cake pan. Now take the picture of your target (or the piece of paper with the details of your target) and place it flat in the middle of the batter in your pan. Pour the rest of your cake batter over the picture to completely submerge it in your batter.
Then bake your cake according to your recipe. Recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer one last time as you place your cake pan into the oven to bake.
When baking is complete, remove your cake from the oven and let cool.
Cake Decorating
When your cake has cooled, remove it from the cake pan and spread a layer of vanilla frosting over the top of the cake. Recite the below included Gluttony Curse magick prayer as you spread the frosting. Now take your black icing gel tube and write a short and simple message to your target on the top of the cake. You can write something as detailed as:
May you gain 100 lbs and hate the way you look."
or as simple as:
Fuck you."
Curse Delivery
When your cake has been baked and decorated, bury the cake in the ground. If you don't want to bury the cake for fear a dog or other animal might dig it up, you can also cut the cake into pieces and place the pieces into a pot of regular garden soil. Again recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer while you bury the cake.
As the cake decomposes in the ground or soil, and as the cake decomposes around the picture / personal details of your target, your target will find it decidedly difficult to maintain proper eating habits and difficult to maintain weight goals.
Gluttony Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, hear my curse,
make my target’s diet worse.
Make all good habits rotten,
set free their inner glutton.
Inch by inch, their waist grows wide,
may their hunger not subside.
Pound by pound, they tip the scales,
their fitness goals always fail.
To sabotage the fitness goals of an enemy. To encourage poor eating habits and unwanted weight gain.
You Will Need
- Boxed Cake Mix - to serve as the vessel for your curse. If you know how to bake a cake from scratch, feel free to bake a cake from scratch.
- Cake Pan - to bake your cake. Don't forget to grease the pan before use.
- Vanilla Cake Frosting - to make your cake nice and pretty.
- Black Icing Gel Tube - to write a special message to your target on your cake.
- Picture of Your Target - if you can't get a picture, use a black ink pen to write the personal details of your target (name, date of birth, phone number, etc. - two or three details that you know for sure) on a small piece of paper about the size of an index card.
Bake Your Cake
Prepare your cake batter according to your recipe.
As you prepare your cake batter, recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer, which is found below, and focus on your intent of sabotaging your target's fitness goals and causing your target to experience unwanted weight gain.
Next, pour approximately half of your prepared cake batter into your greased cake pan. Now take the picture of your target (or the piece of paper with the details of your target) and place it flat in the middle of the batter in your pan. Pour the rest of your cake batter over the picture to completely submerge it in your batter.
Then bake your cake according to your recipe. Recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer one last time as you place your cake pan into the oven to bake.
When baking is complete, remove your cake from the oven and let cool.
Cake Decorating
When your cake has cooled, remove it from the cake pan and spread a layer of vanilla frosting over the top of the cake. Recite the below included Gluttony Curse magick prayer as you spread the frosting. Now take your black icing gel tube and write a short and simple message to your target on the top of the cake. You can write something as detailed as:
May you gain 100 lbs and hate the way you look."
or as simple as:
Fuck you."
Curse Delivery
When your cake has been baked and decorated, bury the cake in the ground. If you don't want to bury the cake for fear a dog or other animal might dig it up, you can also cut the cake into pieces and place the pieces into a pot of regular garden soil. Again recite the Gluttony Curse magick prayer while you bury the cake.
As the cake decomposes in the ground or soil, and as the cake decomposes around the picture / personal details of your target, your target will find it decidedly difficult to maintain proper eating habits and difficult to maintain weight goals.
Gluttony Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, hear my curse,
make my target’s diet worse.
Make all good habits rotten,
set free their inner glutton.
Inch by inch, their waist grows wide,
may their hunger not subside.
Pound by pound, they tip the scales,
their fitness goals always fail.