Santa Muerte Death Magick: Prayers and Rituals From Where Life Meets Death
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Haunt and Harass Tarot Altar
Primary Use
To send mischievous ghosts and devilish spirits to haunt and harass your enemy for a temporary amount of time.
You Will Need
From the Tarot de la Santa Muerte (Designs by Tristan, Art by Robert Castro, published by Berbera Editores SA de CV, ISBN: 978-6077872306) -
Altar Preparation
All you need to set up this tarot altar is a few cards from your tarot deck and a piece of paper. Since this book is dedicated to the Santa Muerte, we use the Tarot de la Santa Muerte. On the piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to target. If you know one or two other details about the person, such as their date of birth, address, or phone number, you can add this to the paper as well, then place the above mentioned tarot cards face up and right side up on top of the piece of paper, on any flat surface. You can place the cards in a row, with the card El Juicio first, followed by the card El Otro Mundo, and ending with the card El Diablo. Next, recite the Haunt and Harass magick prayer, which is found below. Your altar is now established and charged with your magickal intent.
Using Your Tarot Altar
You can use this type of altar when you want someone to experience a brief run of bad luck. Maybe toward an annoying co-worker, or an inconsiderate neighbor, who always gets away with haunting and harassing those around them. This is not intended to inflict serious or long lasting harm, it is more intended to knock someone down a peg. Don’t worry if you can’t leave your altar out all the time - create this altar and pray over it when you can, and simply put the cards away when you can’t.
Haunt and Harass Tarot Altar Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Holy Death,
Ghosts of mischief I request.
Raise the ones willing to go,
To harass and haunt my foe.
Trickster spirits, if you may,
Go harass this one I say,
With a bit of luck turned bad,
Interrupt the plans they had.
To send mischievous ghosts and devilish spirits to haunt and harass your enemy for a temporary amount of time.
You Will Need
- 1 Piece of Paper - to write the name of the enemy you want to haunt and harass.
From the Tarot de la Santa Muerte (Designs by Tristan, Art by Robert Castro, published by Berbera Editores SA de CV, ISBN: 978-6077872306) -
- El Juicio / The Judgment - to represent the raising up of the willing dead who will go to haunt and harass your target.
- El Otro Mundo / The Other World - to represent the rallying of willing spirits who will return to the Land of the Living in order to haunt and harass your target.
- El Diablo / The Devil - to represent the haunting and harassing of your target. Notice that in this image, the Santa Muerte watches the clock closely, ready to end the haunting and harassment after a fair amount of time has passed.
Altar Preparation
All you need to set up this tarot altar is a few cards from your tarot deck and a piece of paper. Since this book is dedicated to the Santa Muerte, we use the Tarot de la Santa Muerte. On the piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to target. If you know one or two other details about the person, such as their date of birth, address, or phone number, you can add this to the paper as well, then place the above mentioned tarot cards face up and right side up on top of the piece of paper, on any flat surface. You can place the cards in a row, with the card El Juicio first, followed by the card El Otro Mundo, and ending with the card El Diablo. Next, recite the Haunt and Harass magick prayer, which is found below. Your altar is now established and charged with your magickal intent.
Using Your Tarot Altar
You can use this type of altar when you want someone to experience a brief run of bad luck. Maybe toward an annoying co-worker, or an inconsiderate neighbor, who always gets away with haunting and harassing those around them. This is not intended to inflict serious or long lasting harm, it is more intended to knock someone down a peg. Don’t worry if you can’t leave your altar out all the time - create this altar and pray over it when you can, and simply put the cards away when you can’t.
Haunt and Harass Tarot Altar Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Holy Death,
Ghosts of mischief I request.
Raise the ones willing to go,
To harass and haunt my foe.
Trickster spirits, if you may,
Go harass this one I say,
With a bit of luck turned bad,
Interrupt the plans they had.