Santa Muerte Death Magick: Prayers and Rituals From Where Life Meets Death
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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To Your Grave Curse Petition
Primary Use
To be rid of your target for once and for all. To encourage a decline in health and the eventual death of the target you choose.
You Will Need
At your Santa Muerte altar, light your black candle, so that you may work in its light. Place the planter box in front of you, and recite over the box the To Your Grave Curse magick prayer, which is found below. Next, fill your planter box about halfway with potting soil. As you fill the box about halfway with potting soil, continue to recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Burying Your Target
Over the layer of soil in your planter box, place the personal items of your target. Directly over the personal items of your target, place the animal waste. Over the personal items and animal waste, sprinkle one or two handfuls of graveyard dirt. As you place each of these items into the planter box, again recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Fill in the rest of the planter box with potting soil. When the planter box is full, plant a single marigold seed into the center of the planter box. As you place the seed, recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Spit three times over the soil of the planter box, to represent literally spitting on the grave of your target. After each spitting, recite the below included magick prayer, then leave the planter box in the light of the black candle’s flame until the candle burns to completion.
Completing the Curse
When the candle has burned to completion, place the planter box somewhere where the seed and soil can touch sunlight. If natural sunlight is sparse, then consider installing a small plant light over the planter box. Each day, water the soil as you recite the To Your Grave Curse magick prayer.
As the marigold seed begins to sprout and grow, so will the health of your target begin to deteriorate. If the marigold reaches full bloom, but your target is still alive, then pull the marigolds, roots and all, from the planter box, and place the removed marigolds over an actual burial site in a cemetery or graveyard, then plant another marigold seed in the same planter box. The more marigolds that grow from this cursed planter box, the weaker and weaker your target will become, until they are finally in the ground.
If a marigold seed fails to sprout after three weeks, then leave the seed in the soil, and try again with a new seed.
To Your Grave Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Holy Death,
May you do what you do best.
May you end my target’s life,
With one swing of magick scythe.
Stop their brain, and stop their heart,
From this life, make them depart.
Bury them deep in the ground,
To the grave, make them now bound.
To be rid of your target for once and for all. To encourage a decline in health and the eventual death of the target you choose.
You Will Need
- Rectangular Planter Box - about the size of a shoebox, or about the size you would place on a window sill, to represent a piece of land into which you can bury your target.
- Graveyard Dirt - one or two handfuls; to represent the burial of your target in the ground.
- Potting Soil - to mix with the graveyard dirt.
- Personal Items of Your Target - Hair or nail clippings would be great, but might be difficult to procure. In the absence of such clippings, a picture of the target will work as well. Due to the powerful and serious intent of this working, substitutions are not recommended here; use hair clippings, nail clippings, and / or a picture of your target, but nothing else.
- Animal Waste - any animal poop you can get a hold of. Dog, cat, cow, or parakeet, it does not matter. This is a negativity activator, to represent your disdain for your target, and so there is no mistake about your intent. LESS IS MORE - one or two small pieces are all that you need.
- Marigold Seeds - often called “flor de muerto” in Spanish, or flower of the dead, to plant in the planter box. To represent the death of your target, which will create space for new life to grow, and to represent the celebration that will follow their demise.
- 1 Black Offering Candle - to appeal to the energy of the Black Cloaked Santa Muerte of curses, hexes, and black magick. While brown is associated with the spirits of the dead and the Land of the Dead, the target in this case is not a spirit yet, and black is commonly associated with curses and hexes, so black is recommended. But as mentioned in the introduction, every aspect of Santa Muerte is the same Santa Muerte, so do not be afraid to petition whatever color / aspect that your intuition draws you to.
- OPTIONAL - a small plant light. You will be trying to grow a flower, so if sunlight is sparse in your environment, a plant light will come in handy.
At your Santa Muerte altar, light your black candle, so that you may work in its light. Place the planter box in front of you, and recite over the box the To Your Grave Curse magick prayer, which is found below. Next, fill your planter box about halfway with potting soil. As you fill the box about halfway with potting soil, continue to recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Burying Your Target
Over the layer of soil in your planter box, place the personal items of your target. Directly over the personal items of your target, place the animal waste. Over the personal items and animal waste, sprinkle one or two handfuls of graveyard dirt. As you place each of these items into the planter box, again recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Fill in the rest of the planter box with potting soil. When the planter box is full, plant a single marigold seed into the center of the planter box. As you place the seed, recite the To Your Grave magick prayer.
Spit three times over the soil of the planter box, to represent literally spitting on the grave of your target. After each spitting, recite the below included magick prayer, then leave the planter box in the light of the black candle’s flame until the candle burns to completion.
Completing the Curse
When the candle has burned to completion, place the planter box somewhere where the seed and soil can touch sunlight. If natural sunlight is sparse, then consider installing a small plant light over the planter box. Each day, water the soil as you recite the To Your Grave Curse magick prayer.
As the marigold seed begins to sprout and grow, so will the health of your target begin to deteriorate. If the marigold reaches full bloom, but your target is still alive, then pull the marigolds, roots and all, from the planter box, and place the removed marigolds over an actual burial site in a cemetery or graveyard, then plant another marigold seed in the same planter box. The more marigolds that grow from this cursed planter box, the weaker and weaker your target will become, until they are finally in the ground.
If a marigold seed fails to sprout after three weeks, then leave the seed in the soil, and try again with a new seed.
To Your Grave Curse Magick Prayer
Santa Muerte, Holy Death,
May you do what you do best.
May you end my target’s life,
With one swing of magick scythe.
Stop their brain, and stop their heart,
From this life, make them depart.
Bury them deep in the ground,
To the grave, make them now bound.