Santa Muerte Curses and Hexes
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Vice and Consequences Tarot Altar
Primary Use
To curse a person with submission to their vices. To cause a failure of self control and an indulgence in bad behaviors.
You Will Need
From the Tarot de la Santa Muerte (Designs by Tristan, Art by Robert Castro, published by Berbera Editores SA de CV, ISBN: 978-6077872306) -
Altar Preparation
All you need to set up a tarot altar is a few cards from your tarot deck and a piece of paper with the name of the person you want to target. Since this book is dedicated to the Santa Muerte, we use the Tarot de la Santa Muerte. Write the name of the person you want to target on the piece of paper, along with any unique information you know about the person, such as their birthdate, address, or even phone number, and place the paper on any flat surface. Then place the above mentioned tarot cards face up, right side up, on top of the piece of paper. You can place the cards in a row, starting with the card 7 de Copas, followed by the card 5 de Copas, and ending with the card 8 de Espadas. Next, recite the Vice and Consequences Curse magick prayer, which is found below. Your altar is now established and charged with your magickal intent.
Using Your Tarot Altar:
You can use this type of altar when you want to curse a rival with the consequences of their own vices, bad habits, and poor decisions. Use this altar against those with a history of avoiding consequences for bad behavior, or who you think have avoided consequences for too long. Don't worry if you can't leave your altar out all the time - create this altar and pray over it when you can, and simply put the cards away when you can't.
Vice and Consequences Tarot Altar Curse Magick Prayer:
My Saint Death, in robe of black,
send for me this cursed attack.
Make my target lose control,
may their vice consume their soul.
Poor decisions, habits bad,
Make them lose the good they have.
Drown them in a troubled sea,
their worst foe, let themselves be.
To curse a person with submission to their vices. To cause a failure of self control and an indulgence in bad behaviors.
You Will Need
- Piece of paper - to write the name of the person you want to target. A picture of your target would also work well.
- Black Ink Pen - to write on the paper.
From the Tarot de la Santa Muerte (Designs by Tristan, Art by Robert Castro, published by Berbera Editores SA de CV, ISBN: 978-6077872306) -
- 7 de Copas / 7 of Cups - to represent a submission to vice and bad habits. To disrupt your target’s control over their vices and bad habits.
- 5 de Copas / 5 of Cups - to represent drowning your target in their own bad choices, and overwhelming them in the consequences of their bad decisions.
- 8 de Espadas / 8 of Swords - to represent the imposition of the consequences of your target’s bad choices, so they may be trapped and confined by the results of their own actions.
Altar Preparation
All you need to set up a tarot altar is a few cards from your tarot deck and a piece of paper with the name of the person you want to target. Since this book is dedicated to the Santa Muerte, we use the Tarot de la Santa Muerte. Write the name of the person you want to target on the piece of paper, along with any unique information you know about the person, such as their birthdate, address, or even phone number, and place the paper on any flat surface. Then place the above mentioned tarot cards face up, right side up, on top of the piece of paper. You can place the cards in a row, starting with the card 7 de Copas, followed by the card 5 de Copas, and ending with the card 8 de Espadas. Next, recite the Vice and Consequences Curse magick prayer, which is found below. Your altar is now established and charged with your magickal intent.
Using Your Tarot Altar:
You can use this type of altar when you want to curse a rival with the consequences of their own vices, bad habits, and poor decisions. Use this altar against those with a history of avoiding consequences for bad behavior, or who you think have avoided consequences for too long. Don't worry if you can't leave your altar out all the time - create this altar and pray over it when you can, and simply put the cards away when you can't.
Vice and Consequences Tarot Altar Curse Magick Prayer:
My Saint Death, in robe of black,
send for me this cursed attack.
Make my target lose control,
may their vice consume their soul.
Poor decisions, habits bad,
Make them lose the good they have.
Drown them in a troubled sea,
their worst foe, let themselves be.