Santa Muerte Curses and Hexes
Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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Digital Web Book by Arnold Bustillo
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What About Karma?
One thing that people want to know about, especially people with magickal experience, is how the tradition of Santa Muerte handles ideas like karma (which is a concept of Eastern religions), or the law of three (which is a concept of Pagan religions), which are essentially concepts that warn against sending curses or hexes into the world, lest you attract that same negative energy into your own life.
Before we discuss these concerns, we should start with a brief explanation of the nature of Santa Muerte.
Santa Muerte, as death itself, is an energy of balance. In fact, if you look at many images of Santa Muerte, she does not just hold a scythe in one hand, but she frequently holds the scales of justice in the other. In some circles, Santa Muerte is even called The Great Equalizer. The fact that we will all one day die, means that we are all seen as equal in the eyes of Santa Muerte. Nobody, and nothing, gets special treatment. Everyone we know, and everything we know, will one day come to an end, and that is probably the one thing that brings all of us together within this physical existence.
Now if balance is part of the nature of Santa Muerte, then it does not make sense for a force which seeks to create balance, to create an imbalance, or to allow an imbalance to perpetuate. What this means in terms of the instructions outlined in this book, is that if you try to ask Santa Muerte to send a curse or a hex to someone who does not deserve it, if the punishment does not fit the crime, so to speak, then you can expect for the Santa Muerte to not grant the petition. In this case, working with the Santa Muerte is an excellent failsafe for those of you who may adhere to the ideas of karma, or the law of three, because these concepts hold no water in the tradition of Santa Muerte. When you petition the Santa Muerte for a curse or hex to befall your target, you are making a request of the Santa Muerte, who does not judge. And what the Santa Muerte does with your request is entirely her prerogative. If granting your request would create an imbalance, which is against the nature of Santa Muerte in her role as The Great Equalizer, then nothing will happen. If granting your request would restore balance, then that is where the work of Santa Muerte would stop. She would not send the same negative energy back to you, or send three times the negative energy back to you, because that would create an imbalance in the other direction, which again is against the nature of Santa Muerte.
Before we discuss these concerns, we should start with a brief explanation of the nature of Santa Muerte.
Santa Muerte, as death itself, is an energy of balance. In fact, if you look at many images of Santa Muerte, she does not just hold a scythe in one hand, but she frequently holds the scales of justice in the other. In some circles, Santa Muerte is even called The Great Equalizer. The fact that we will all one day die, means that we are all seen as equal in the eyes of Santa Muerte. Nobody, and nothing, gets special treatment. Everyone we know, and everything we know, will one day come to an end, and that is probably the one thing that brings all of us together within this physical existence.
Now if balance is part of the nature of Santa Muerte, then it does not make sense for a force which seeks to create balance, to create an imbalance, or to allow an imbalance to perpetuate. What this means in terms of the instructions outlined in this book, is that if you try to ask Santa Muerte to send a curse or a hex to someone who does not deserve it, if the punishment does not fit the crime, so to speak, then you can expect for the Santa Muerte to not grant the petition. In this case, working with the Santa Muerte is an excellent failsafe for those of you who may adhere to the ideas of karma, or the law of three, because these concepts hold no water in the tradition of Santa Muerte. When you petition the Santa Muerte for a curse or hex to befall your target, you are making a request of the Santa Muerte, who does not judge. And what the Santa Muerte does with your request is entirely her prerogative. If granting your request would create an imbalance, which is against the nature of Santa Muerte in her role as The Great Equalizer, then nothing will happen. If granting your request would restore balance, then that is where the work of Santa Muerte would stop. She would not send the same negative energy back to you, or send three times the negative energy back to you, because that would create an imbalance in the other direction, which again is against the nature of Santa Muerte.