Primary Use
To open and invite psychic and spiritual communication between you and your bloodline ancestors, as well as bloodline allies who have served you and your ancestors. Warnings No warnings are necessary. The intent and prayer for this petition are designed to invite only friendly ancestors and ancestral allies. Also, you are not manifesting these entities, you are only asking to receive messages. The messages are delivered and blessed by Santa Muerte, but the ancestors remain in the Land of the Dead. You Will Need Herbs:
Other Items:
Preparing the Herbal Mixture At your Santa Muerte altar, in the glow of the brown candle's flame, use your mortar and pestle to grind and blend together approximately equal parts of the anise, bay leaf, and copal, plus the sample of your personal essence. You ultimately want enough of a powder to sprinkle around the base of the offering candle. As you grind and incorporate these ingredients together, recite and meditate on the Ancestor Contact Santa Muerte magick prayer, which is found below. Praying over the ingredients while you incorporate them into a mixture will help you focus the energy of the potion toward your desired intent of opening lines of spiritual communication with friendly ancestors. Be careful of breathing in the dust of the herbs as you grind, as it may cause irritation. You can stop when the ingredients are well incorporated. Crafting Your Petition If you are hoping to communicate with anyone from your ancestral bloodline in general, as opposed to one specific person in your family's history, then you can skip ahead to the next section, titled "Making Contact". If, however, you are crafting this petition to open communication with the spirit of a specific ancestor, and if you have a picture of that ancestor, then place the picture beneath the brown offering candle. If you do not have a picture of the specific ancestor, then write as much identifying information as you know about the ancestor on the piece of paper. This can include the person's name, their familial title, and / or a note about the knowledge or insight you are hoping to gain. For example, you could write something as simple as, "Elizabeth Sample, born 1880" or something as descriptive as "Great Great Grandma Elizabeth, who traveled across the Atlantic Ocean as a little girl, and who healed many people with her great knowledge of herbs and magick". Place this paper with your ancestor's information beneath the offering candle. Making Contact Slowly encircle the base of the offering candle with the herbal mixture as you continue to recite the Ancestor Contact magick prayer. When the candle is encircled in a ring of your herbal ingredients, you may attempt contact with your bloodline ancestors. This petition is intended to open lines of spiritual and psychic communication with your bloodline ancestors and those friendly toward your ancestral bloodline. Here are some examples of how you can do so: - Perform your favorite method of divination in the light of the lit candle to learn more about the ancestors or ancestral allies that wish to communicate. - Sit in quiet meditation and ask for visions and emotional impressions of ancestral experiences to be shown to you. - Dim the lights and ask for the shadows created by the candle's flame to show you shapes and impressions associated with the messages that your ancestor(s) want(s) you to receive. - Before you go to bed, ask your ancestor(s) to visit your dreams and to tell you their stories. PLEASE do not leave the candle burning while you sleep. Perform the petition, spend a few minutes making the request for dream contact, then extinguish the flame and go to sleep. After Attempting Contact After your initial attempt to contact your ancestor(s), you can extinguish the flame of the candle, and save the candle and herbal mixture for future contact attempts. You can use the same herbal mixture for as long as you use the same candle, but you should create a new herbal mixture for every new candle. If you are attempting contact with a specific ancestor, then you should only use the candle and herbal mixture to communicate with that specific ancestor. Over the next few days or weeks, you can use the same candle and herbal mixture to regularly attempt contact. You can relight the candle, again surround the candle with the herbal mixture, and again recite the Ancestor Contact magick prayer over the candle before making another attempt at contact. If you are attempting to contact a specific ancestor, do not forget to place their photo or personal information beneath the candle as you did before. If you receive the information you wanted, or if you no longer wish to maintain communication with the contacted ancestors, then let the candle burn to completion and dispose of the materials that remain. In the event that you burn an entire offering candle but feel as if messages are not being received, this could be a sign that the ancestor(s) you are trying to reach are either not ready to communicate, or are not willing to communicate honestly. Consider trying again in three, nine, or 12 months. Disposing of Your Materials You may dispose of what remains from this petition using the instructions outlined in my post How to Dispose of Magick Trash. Ancestor Contact Santa Muerte Magick Prayer: Kin of blood who've come and gone, send your message from beyond. Only those who wish me well, send the tales you wish to tell. By the love of Holy Death, send a message true and blessed.
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