In this video I share techniques for incorporating modern technology into your practice of Santa Muerte magick.
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How to Use: This FREE digital download is a journal sheet for a 1-card daily tarot reading routine. Whether you want to gain spiritual insight for your day ahead, or you just want to study the meanings of a new deck of cards, you can use this sheet to aid you on your journey.
AD: Purchase the "Tarot de la Santa Muerte, my personal favorite tarot deck, at: Click "Download File" vvv![]()
How to Use: This FREE digital download is a tally sheet for Santa Muerte prayer magick. When you want to petition Santa Muerte through prayer alone, you can use this sheet to track the recitation of a magick prayer 100 times a day across 7 days.
AD: Read my book, Santa Muerte Prayer Magick, to learn more about how to petition Santa Muerte through the power of prayer alone. Click "Download File" vvv![]()
How to Use: This FREE digital download features a single page Santa Muerte sigil board. Just draw your desired seal or sigil in the center of the circle to empower that symbol with the magick of Santa Muerte. This sigil board is intended to be incorporated into whatever process you use to enchant or activate a magick seal or sigil.
AD: Purchase my book, "13 Magick Seals of Santa Muerte": Click "Download File" vvv![]()
How to Use: This FREE digital download features 12 printable e-candle wraps. Turn any electric pillar candle into an electric Santa Muerte candle. Just print, then use tape to affix to the surface of your favorite electric pillar candle. This PDF file includes the following candle wraps: 7-Colored, Black, Red, White, Gold, Silver, Green, Blue, Brown, Pink, Yellow, and Purple. Print as many as you need, as often as you want!
AD: Need an electric pillar candle? Here's one you can buy on Amazon: In this video I share some simple ideas for encouraging the protection of pets and familiars using Santa Muerte magick.
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