Primary Use
This magick seal is intended to manifest artistic inspiration, creativity, skill, and success, especially of artists, writers, and designers. You Will Need 1 Small Piece of Paper - about the size of an index card works well. 1 Blue Ink Pen - to create your magick artist's seal. Seal Symbolism This seal depicts an artist's canvas and easel. On the canvas is depicted a writer's feather quill pen, crossed over the image of Santa Muerte's magick scythe. The canvas and easel represent artists who create visual art, from traditional illustrations and portraits, to works of pottery and dance. The quill pen represents art which is written, from poetry to music. The scythe represents the power of Santa Muerte to kill the forces which are blocking artistic inspiration, and also artistic appreciation. Seal Preparation At your Santa Muerte altar, using a blue ink pen, draw the Santa Muerte artist's seal pictured above on your piece of paper. As you draw, recite the Artist's Seal Santa Muerte magick prayer, found below. Using Your Artist's Seal To use this seal, simply place in or near areas where you would like to raise the energy of your artistic creativity. Place above the door to your art studio, or on the desk where you write. Place in the notebook where you sketch, or write poetry. Carry on your person before performing for a live audience, so your efforts are appreciated and well received. Place on your nightstand, or in your pillowcase before going to sleep, in order to attract dreams that inspire artistic creativity. Place on your altar to attract creativity into your life in general. When you place your seal, and before engaging in artistic activities, focus on the image of the seal and recite the below Artist's Seal Santa Muerte magick prayer. Disposing of Your Artist's Seal When you have received the creative inspiration which you were seeking, or when you feel like you no longer require the energy of the seal you created, you may dispose of your seal using the instructions outlined in my post How to Dispose of Magick Trash. Artist's Seal Santa Muerte Magick Prayer Santa Muerte, muse of mine, clear my head, and free my mind. Holy Death, bring forth from me, true talent and artistry. Guide my hand as I create, works of art to be embraced.
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